Matching of Horoscopes for Marriages [English] (English)
By B. Hariharan
Price: ₹350
Any marriage, needs to demonstrate ‘cooperation and corroboration’, and ‘give and take’ from the couple to be successful. If not, the marriage will fail. It cannot be a one-sided affair. Astrology also has to work on similar principles when it comes to matching of horoscopes. It is the corroboration of planetary positions, combinations, and aspects in both horoscopes and not in one horoscope alone that will decide the success or failure of a marriage. The illustrative horoscopes of ‘successful marriages’ and their analysis in br>Chapter 9 clearly prove this point. The objective of this book is also to make it a ‘compendium’ of astrological concepts with special focus on marriage matching, with ‘real life illustrations’, so that these are easily understood by the readers. I am confident that for ‘believers’ in astrology, especially for those who are beginners, this book will serve as a useful guide and sounding Board not only for ‘matching of horoscopes’ but also to evaluate post-marita
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9789354273483 |
Pages: 240 |
Cover: Paperback
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Nuances & Contradictions in Predictive Astrology (English)
By B. Hariharan
Price: ₹600
Quotes from the Book Astrology, is a science where interpretations can be done in multiple ways. However it is the right approach to the interpretations which make the predictions meaningful and accurate. This book seeks to shed light on the complexities and also enumerates the right ways to interpret them. The theme of the book is to simplify astrological concepts into small tips or rules so that even a beginner can use them for predictions appropriately and effectively. In the end astrology is not a one-size-fits-all system. It is not about finding easy answers or definitive truths but embracing the uncertainty and ambiguity of life. While we will continue to explore the nuances and contradictions in astrology, it is my belief that the book will succeed in providing the right approach to the Readers in that direction. I found and am sure every reader of this work too will find that the author has skillfully created template for horoscopic analysis. The author has highlighted and give
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788197320682 |
Pages: 412 |
Cover: Paperback
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