Your Daily Astrological Guide [English] (English)
By Jay Yadav
Price: ₹150
Your Daily Astrological Guide [English]
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788198388094 |
Pages: 68 |
Cover: Paperback
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Nadi Sutras (English)
By Jay Yadav
Price: ₹325
The book Nadi Sutras by Jay Yadav provides a comprehensive guide to Nadi astrology. It covers predictive techniques based on planetary combinations and their influence on an individual's life. The book is written in English, catering to both beginners and advanced learners. Its detailed approach aims to simplify the complex principles of Nadi astrology, making it accessible to readers interested in this ancient practice.
Book Details:
Genre: Nadi Astrology |
ISBN: 9788197852961 |
Pages: 153 |
Cover: Paperback
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Vedic Astrology Remedies (English)
By Jay Yadav
Price: ₹300
Without solutions Astrological analysis is not fully done. If we know the problems and the solutions then only we can address the problems. This book contains such solutions to your astrological problems. It gives the readers very simple and easy to perform remedies of the nine planets, it also provides remedies related to Rudraksha, and remedies for various doshas like Kalsarpa dosh and pitru dosh. This book also provides mantras for special purposes and gemstrone as well as color remedies.
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788197320675 |
Pages: 111 |
Cover: Paperback
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Past Life and Pending Karmas (English)
By Jay Yadav
Price: ₹299
Hindu philosophy believes in rebirth. If there are any desires left during the last births then the soul takes reincarnation to fulfil those desires. Whatever good or bad situations a person faces in his life is the fruit of Karmas accumulated by him during his past incarnations. Good deeds result in auspicious events and comfortable life, bad deeds are the cause of suffering. Karma theory works as "cause and effect". The Karmas accumulated during past births are the cause and the comforts or sufferings in the present life is the effect. Astrology works on the principles of Karma. The horoscope is the result of the deeds of a person in the past incarnations. And the good or bad yogas in the horoscope are because of the good or bad Karmas accumulated by the person. "Past life and pending Karmas" deals with the techniques of finding out the past life Karmas and how these Karmas will influence the present life. The chapters in this books talks about various astrological principles and tec
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788196623319 |
Pages: 115 |
Cover: Paperback
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The Perfect Marriage (English)
By Jay Yadav
Price: ₹250
According to Hindu sacred texts, marriage is one of the most important samskaras. According to Astrology, the seventh house from the ascendant shows opposition and this is also the house of marriage, the seventh house falls in the kama trikon, kama means desire. In traditional matchmaking we consider eight factors based on the birth nakshatra of the bride and groom, these eight factors give clues about the happiness of the marriage, wealth, and progeny. Besides the classical method, Nadi astrology can also be used for match making. This book elaborates the various factors consided for match-making through both classical and Nadi astrology, the various doshas such as Mangalik and Nadi dosha and their remedies.
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788196623340 |
Pages: 84 |
Cover: Paperback
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Astrology Chakras & Remedies (English)
By Jay Yadav
Price: ₹300
There are 12,000 nadis in the human body, Chakras form at the junctions of these nadis. There are seven major chakras in the human body, these are Muladhara or the root chakra, Swadhisthana or the Sacral chakra, Manipura or Solar Plexus chakra, Anahata or heart chakra, and Vishuddha or throat chakra, Ajna or third eye and the Sahasrara chakra. There are five bodies or layers of the being, and these chakras lie in the Pranamaya kosha, in which the Prana or life force moves.
The horoscope is the snapshot of Karmas, and the planets are responsible for delivering the fruits of Karmas. Human traits and tendencies are influenced by the planets, when the chakras are imbalanced, overactive or blocked, they do not receive the cosmic energy of the planets properly, which creates disturbances and diseases in the native's life.
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788196623388 |
Pages: 97 |
Cover: Paperback
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Timing Events Without Dasha - Bhrigu Astrology (English)
By Jay Yadav
Price: ₹210
Bhrigu Astrology is one of the oldest method of predicting past, present and future events, it is the teachings of sage Bhrigu. Unlike Sage Parashar's system of astrology Bhrigu astrology does not uses the Vimshottari dasha system, it is more easier and straight forward way of analyzing a horoscope and making quick predictions. The significations of planets, signs and the twelve houses of the horoscope are very important for making amazing predictions; the first four chapters of this book deals with the significations of planets, signs and bhavas. Rest of the chapters are based on techniques such as the 12 years cycle of Jupiter, the cycle of Saturn, the Bhrigu chakra Paddhati and other techniques for timing events without using Vimshottari dasha system. This book also contains example charts for easy understanding of the readers.
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788196623364 |
Pages: 75 |
Cover: Paperback
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