Neelakantha's Subodhini (Commentary on Jaimini Sutras) (English)
By K Guru Rajesh
Price: ₹500
Book Details:
Genre: 0 |
ISBN: 9788198388025 |
Pages: 356 |
Cover: 0
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Prashnamargam Bhasha (English)
By K Guru Rajesh
Price: ₹325
Prashnamargam Bhasha is a Malayalam work on the subject of horary astrology based on Prashna Marga, Varaha Hora (Brihajjataka), Shatpanchashika and the traditional knowledge imparted in the Parampara.
Among all the problems faced by humanity, our author has mainly chosen the topics of diseases, death, Badha troubles (supernatural causes), and Devalaya Prashna (queries related to temples and deities) in this work, though other topics are also treated cursorily.
Prashnamargam Bhasha is like a practical manual while the elaborate treatises viz. Prashna Marga and Prashnanushthana Paddhati would act as reference books. The author has carefully chosen the methods from the multitude of options explained in these treatises based on his experience and the traditional wisdom. This would help a practitioner while handling real life cases.
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788197852916 |
Pages: 190 |
Cover: Paperback
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Applied Vedic Astrology (English)
By K Guru Rajesh
Price: ₹400
This book contains eighteen articles of the author published in various astrological journals, starting from 2003 to 2017. Contents of the book include: I. The Bhagavad Gita-The Astrologer's Guide; II. Sun's Role in Judging Profession; III. Guru Chandala Yoga and Religiousness; IV. Eighth House and Astrologers; V. Poets, Musicians and Venus; VI. Ninth House and Unconventional Marriages; VII. A Critical Analysis of Asura and Sarala Yogas; VIII. Astrology in Ayurvedic classics; IX. Astrology and Homosexuality; X. Integrating Multiple Predictive Tools - A Case Study; XI. Astrology and Paedophiles; XII. Health Issues of Relatives - Astrological Clues; XIII. Jatakabhanga or Failure-in-Life Yogas; XIV. Mars and Earth Science Professions; XV. Astrological Study of Rape Cases; XVI. How Transits Affect Dasa-Bhukti Lords; XVII. Decoding Devakeralam; XVIII. Mahamahopadhyaya Sri Madhura Krishnamurthy Sastry - An Astrological Portrait.
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788197852985 |
Pages: 278 |
Cover: Paperback
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Rasi Tulya Vatsara Dasa (English)
By K Guru Rajesh
Price: ₹300
Imagine a dasa system which can broadly indicate the events that can occur in a year in the life of a native? How would it be if we could arrive at the particular year of a Vimshottari Antara for an event to manifest which can then be zeroed in with the aid of transits? The ‘Rasi-tulya-vatsara dasa’ is precisely such a system. This book explains the general rules and special rules of RTVD system discovered by the author and demonstrates its applicability to various branches of human life with the help of more than 150 practical illustrations. The topics covered in the book include: Longevity and Death, Marital Issues, Progeny, Parents, Siblings, Mishaps, Wealth and Finance, Profession, Fame, Awards, and Disgrace. This book is very helpful not only for mastering the simple yet effective system of ‘Rasi-tulya-vatsara dasa’ but also to gain insights in judging the horoscope to assess the potential promise for an event.
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788197320606 |
Pages: 164 |
Cover: Paperback
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Horaphalaratnavali (English)
By K Guru Rajesh
Price: ₹500
The Horaphalaratnavali, a Malayalam commentary on the initial eight chapters of Brihajjataka, runs as a dialogue between a teacher and his disciple. The author appears to be well-versed in various branches of ancient learning and reveals several secret interpretations of many Shlokas which were guarded by the tradition and were hitherto unheard by others. Particularly, his treatment of the last two chapters on Ayurdaya and Dasas deserve special attention from the readers. He appears to be well acquainted with Sanskrit commentaries by Bhattotpala, Rudra, and Govinda Bhattattiri and so on. A discerning reader can easily recognize the erudite scholarship of the author and the value of his unambiguous instructions. This English translation brings forth for the first time the greatness of the work to the non-Malayali Jyotisha enthusiasts by providing extensive notes at every instance by explaining the concepts with pictorial depictions, real-life case studies and examples, and by incorporat
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788197852976 |
Pages: 344 |
Cover: Paperback
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Dasadhyayi (English)
By K Guru Rajesh
Price: ₹600
Dasadhyayi Hardcover Book Supplied by Author
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9781636694818 |
Pages: 510 |
Cover: Hardcover
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Prashnanushthana Paddhati (English)
By K Guru Rajesh
Price: ₹643
Prashnanushthana Paddhati or simply Anushthana Paddhati in short, is hugely popular work on horary astrology in Kerala since hundreds of years. The first part of the work mainly deals with the topics of longevity and diseases while the second part tackles other topics of day-to-day relevance of human existence. The other popular Jyotisha work from Kerala, Prashna Marga, draws heavily from Prashnanushthana Paddhati and follows its basic structure.
Though many concepts of Prashnanushthana Paddhati are now available in Prashna Marga, it should be noted that several other Shlokas that are quite useful for effective prediction have been left out in Prashna Marga. In fact, Prashnanushthana Paddhati, which is neither too brief nor too elaborate, is complete in itself. Its adherents swear on its amazing efficacy which is evident by its popularity in the astrologer community of Kerala. This inspired the first ever English translation of the work by the translator in 2019.
This enlarged ed
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788197320637 |
Pages: 451 |
Cover: Paperback
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BlindChartAnalysis (English)
By K Guru Rajesh
Price: ₹650
‘Blind chart analysis’ is a procedure in which an astrologer predicts the past events and present condition of a native only by looking into the horoscope, without having a prior knowledge about the native. Astrologers practice this method for many reasons: for birth-time rectification, to bring faith in the client about the efficacy of astrology, to test the astrological techniques, to find out which method suits best for the given case, and to demonstrate his/her predictive abilities. To do blind chart analysis successfully an astrologer should have very sound knowledge of the subject, vast experience, good intuition and a bit of luck also. This book presents 100 cases of Blind Chart Analysis of people who approached the author for astrological consultation. This is a book, first of its kind, where the author demonstrates the method of Blind Chart Analysis by explaining the astrological reasons for the queries he asked the natives and for the responses he got. This work impresses the
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788197320620 |
Pages: 502 |
Cover: Paperback
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Research On Reincarnation (Nandi Nadi Series) (English)
By K Guru Rajesh
Price: ₹1250
Is reincarnation true? Is there any continuity of consciousness even after the death of a being? What do the world religions say about reincarnation? What are the opinions of the wise about this concept? What does modern science say about reincarnation? These are the common questions that would appear in the mind of any thoughtful person.
This book is an attempt to look at reincarnation in the light of Jyotisha, the Hindu science of astrology. Jyotisha, as a Vedanga, is not meant for mere fortune telling but for guiding mankind in their evolution towards perfection and final emancipation.
Through this book I have shared the results and insights of my research on the topic of reincarnation using Naadi Jyotisha principles and actual case studies. This book is an attempt to touch the intangible. This is a pioneering and ‘one of its kind’ of work in the sphere of combining the wisdom of Jyotisha with the findings of modern research on reincarnation, and in attempting to demonstrate the
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788197320613 |
Pages: 699 |
Cover: Hardbound
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Jyotish Pradeepika (English)
By K Guru Rajesh
Price: ₹250
This Jyotih Pradeepika manuscript is very different from the other versions. It is partial and discusses only 24 Sutras of the 1st quarter of chapter 1 of Jaimini Sutras. However, within this brief text, one can glean the intellectual brilliance of the author who treated most of the Sutras in an altogether different way. His unique way of defining various technicalities is unprecedented. The highlight of the work is the demonstration of the concepts using many real-life horoscopes. This work also has a great historical value as it demonstrates the Raja Yogas by presenting the horoscopes of Akbar, Shah Jahan, and Aurangzeb.This small work, though partial and sketchy because of the gaps in the manuscript, is a treasure-trove of Jaimini Jyotisha. The author offers an entirely different way of interpreting the Nidhyatu Yogas, Argala analysis, and Drik Dasa calculation and its interpretation. Along with these, the unique way of preparation of the Svamsa Chakra, Pada Chakra, Upapada Chakra,
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788196623395 |
Pages: 132 |
Cover: Paper Back
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Jataka Sara Sangraha (English)
By K Guru Rajesh
Price: ₹1150
Jaimini system is a highly practical method which helps its practitioners to reach quick conclusions regarding the events and their timing in the life of a native. The rules are simple and straight forward and the Dasa durations can be calculated easily in mind. Jataka Sara Sangraha is a unique work in this branch of Jyotisha where the author ingeniously presents his material in a logical fashion drawing from the Jaimini Sutras and Vruddha Karikas. For the first time in the literature of Jaimini astrology the author explains the application of all the Ayurdasas by giving a single example Horoscope. This is one of the rare works where numerous Ayurdasas and Phalita Dasas are explained in detail.The treatise is divided into three Parichchedas or chapters. The first chapter deals with the methods of longevity determination of a native and explains the Ayurdasas which help to predict the time of death of the native and his relatives like parents, siblings, spouse and so on. The second chap
Book Details:
Genre: Astrology |
ISBN: 9788196623302 |
Pages: 644 |
Cover: Hard Cover
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